So you want to be a designer…

Wednesday marked our first class of Communications Design for our last semester. It was the first time in a year that all of us had been in one room. Nostalgia hit and we joked about our first Comm Design class–when the teachers lined us up like prisoners holding our names up to our faces and took our pictures so they could remember us. Those that dropped out in that subsequent year received thick black permanent marker x’s across their faces. The pool of students has since been whittled down to ‘The Few. The Proud. The Brave.’…or maybe just the masochistic.

But even though we’ve stuck to it this long, we haven’t even made it to our goal, to be designers. We’ve cut out letterforms, and cut off fingers, experimented with mounting techniques, memorized keystrokes, and now we’ve come to the final hurtle…the portfolio. As we compile old projects, and set out to make contacts and wear business attire, we’ll be posting our progress (or lack of) dealing with ‘the real world.’ We want to create a dialogue with designers and students about what a designer is, and what design is.